Why Your Brand Photography Matters

Why Your Brand Photography Matters

SIMPLE QUESTION: When you’re scrolling down your endless Facebook and Instagram timelines, which makes you stop scrolling first - the text or the images?

If you answered with “the images,” then congratulations! You’re part off the majority!! So much for individuality. LOL! But on a serious note, the reason why you’re more compelled to stop on the photos is actually backed up by science. According to researched complied by 3M, the corporation behind Post-it Notes, images are processed 60,000 times faster than written words, which means you can show off your brand to your followers much quicker with pictures.

Don't Box Her In.. Gender Fluid Model Franki Phoenix On Defining Life (Or Not)

Don't Box Her In.. Gender Fluid Model Franki Phoenix On Defining Life (Or Not)

Franki Phoenix has all the makings of a classic blossoming fashion model: with wide almond shaped eyes similar to Beyoncé, the instinctive cool factor, a slender agile frame, the short coily tapered coif that complements the cheekbones so perfectly, and the kind of “here to slay” energy that makes every moment worth snapping. But there is something less obvious that I learned from this rising star, a reality that is now finally being questioned and challenged.

At-home sessions: 5 reasons these make for amazing family portraits

At-home sessions: 5 reasons these make for amazing family portraits

This Holiday Season, I had the pleasure of photographing The Overton Family. They were a ton of fun and totally open to just letting the morning unfold, naturally. I arrived to their home at about 10 AM, the highlight - being greeted by one of the most charismatic kiddos in the whole state of Texas, and his big sister- well, as teenagers go - wouldn’t have minded a few extra minutes to text. Anyway, we didn’t worry about wrangling the family together too much to get the “perfect” shot, and as a result, we have a huge gallery that details the day in a candid, “merry” way. The best thing about these photos is how they will tell the story of how family was at their beautiful home, on this lovely, December day in 2018.